
The Big Bang May Have Created A ‘Mirror Universe’, Where Time Runs Backwards

In November 2018, three physicists from the prestigious Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, in Waterloo, Canada, proposed an extraordinary idea: from the Big Bang...

This Meteorite Is Older Than Earth And It Came From A “Protoplanet”

A meteorite crashed in the Sahara Desert a little over a year ago. While meteorite impacts on Earth are rather regular, this meteorite is...

Flat Earthers Claim Australia Doesn’t Exist And People Who Live There Are Actors Paid By NASA

A rising number of individuals seem to believe that the earth is, in fact, flat.  But it gets better. They also claim that Australia...

An Unknown Force Is Pulling The Milky Way And Everything Else Towards It At 14 Million Mph

There are two specific galaxies worth gazing at in the Virgo constellation: the Sombrero Hat galaxy (M104) and M87, which has a jagged shaft...

China Grew A Plant On The Moon And It Sprouted Two Leaves

China made history by landing its Change-4 spacecraft on the moon's far side. The mission was also the first to experiment with growing plants...

The Driest Place On Earth Has Seen No Rain For 2 Million Years

The driest region on Earth is Antarctica's Dry Valleys, which haven't seen rain in almost 2 million years.This region receives no precipitation and covers...

Astronomers Discover Massive Metallic Object in Space

A peek at the universe's thousands and thousands of diverse shapes and structures reveal that cosmic variety knows no bounds.This is especially evident in...

Scientist May Have Found The Secret To Letting Humans BREATHE In Space With Genius Science Trick

Scientists may have discovered a method for people to breathe on Mars in the future. Space travel is difficult for a variety of reasons,...

Journey Through Time: Planet Earth 4,499,999,000 Years Ago

Collisions in the huge disc-shaped cloud of material that also generated the Sun are believed to have formed the Earth some 4.6 billion years...

No, Andromeda is Not the Closest Galaxy To Our Home Galaxy

Galaxies are nothing more than massive groups of stars, planets, and gas clouds. According to one estimate, there might be up to 2 trillion...

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