Dark matter

The Universe Shouldn’t Exist, Scientists Say After Finding Bizarre Behavior Of Anti-Matter in the Universe

One of the great mysteries of modern physics is why antimatter did not destroy the universe at the beginning of time. To explain it, physicists suppose...

The Universe Shouldn’t Exist, Scientists Say After Finding Bizarre Behavior Of Anti-Matter in the Universe

One of the great mysteries of modern physics is why antimatter did not destroy the universe at the beginning of time. To explain it,...

The Milky Way May Host A Massive Wormhole – New Research Paper Reveals

Our very own Milky Way could host a huge bridge in space-time. At least, that’s what the authors of a recent study have suggested....

The Milky Way May Host A Massive Wormhole – New Research Paper Reveals

Our very own Milky Way could host a huge bridge in space-time. At least, that’s what the authors of a recent study have suggested. According to...

Dark Energy Causing Universe to Expand Faster Than Speed of Light

The debate over whether the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate appeared to be settled. Because several Nobel laureates in Physics agreed over the years, accelerated...

Dark Energy Causing Universe to Expand Faster Than Speed of Light

The debate over whether the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate appeared to be settled. Because several Nobel laureates in Physics agreed over...

New Proof Unknown “Structures” Tug at Our Universe

"Dark flow" is no fluke, suggests a new study that strengthens the case for unknown, unseen "structures" lurking on the outskirts of creation. In 2008 scientists reported the...

New Proof Unknown “Structures” Tug at Our Universe

"Dark flow" is no fluke, suggests a new study that strengthens the case for unknown, unseen "structures" lurking on the outskirts of creation.In 2008...

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