
Scientists have designed the first warp engine of the Enterprise to travel at the speed of light

The warp engine of the Enterprise, Star Trek's starship, could become a reality much sooner than we thought. 

Chinese Researchers Have Achieved The Impossible: They Have Actually Created An EM Drive

Researchers from China’s space agency have released a video through state media in which they show what appears to be a fully functioning EM drive.

The Moon Has Enough Oxygen to Sustain 8 Billion People For 100,000 Years

Although the Moon does have an atmosphere, it is very thin and mostly made of hydrogen, neon, and argon. This is not a gaseous combination capable of supporting oxygen-dependent animals such as humans.

Scientists Turn Nuclear Waste Into Self-Powered Diamond Batteries That Could Last For Thousands Of Years

We have an unquenchable energy need. When we need to run anything that cannot be plugged in, electricity will have to come from a battery, and the quest for a better battery is being launched in laboratories around the globe. Hold that thought for a moment.

Scientists Dug 12km Into The Earth And Discovered This

Some refer to it as the "Door to Hell." The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the deepest artificial point on our globe, measuring 12,262 metres. Nobody could have predicted these revelations.

Groundbreaking Achievement: water-based propulsion system has been successfully tested in space to propel a spacecraft

In a groundbreaking achievement, Pale Blue, a leading space technology company, has successfully tested its in-orbit water-based propulsion system.

‘Inner Universe’: Scientists reveal the most detailed view of a human cell

Using state-of-the-art technology, McGill has generated an unprecedentedly detailed image of a human cell, effectively mapping the complex and intricate cellular landscape.

BREAKING?: Scientists create the 5th form of matter for 6 minutes

In a ground-breaking experiment, scientists have successfully created the 5th form of matter for 6 minutes, known as the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC).

BREAKING?: Scientists Just Discovered Enzyme That Turns Thin Air Into Electricity, Providing A New Clean Source Of Energy

Australian scientists have discovered an enzyme that converts air into energy.  The finding, published today in the journal Nature, reveals that this enzyme uses the...

This Spacecraft Can Reach Another Solar System In 20 Years

Scientists from the Starshot Project claim to have discovered the fundamental bases to build a ship that will reach another solar system within our...

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