
Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe – Equations Predict

Like part of a cosmic Russian doll, our universe may be perfectly nested inside a black hole that is itself part of a larger universe. In...

DARPA Funded Scientists Accidently Discover World’s First ‘WARP BUBBLE’ And Open The Door To Travel Faster Than Light

At the moment Warp Drive, the ability to travel faster than light, is science fiction even though mathematicians have recently suggested that it is...

Scientists Turn Nuclear Waste Into Diamond Batteries That Could Last For Thousands Of Years

We have an unquenchable energy need. When we need to run anything that cannot be plugged in, electricity will have to come from a...

A Colossal Comet Has Just Entered Our Inner Solar System, Heading Towards Earth

A massive comet that is nearing the end of its multimillion-year trip to the sun has reached the inner solar system and will make...

Astronomers Discovered An Object Traveling At 99.99999999999999999999951% Of The Speed Of Light

This new discovery is amazing as adds so  much to our understanding of the Universe.One of the most entertaining names that I’ve come across...

Stephen Hawking’s Final Research Predicts The End Of The Universe And Existence Parallel Universes

Two weeks before his death, famed scientist Stephen Hawking published a research article predicting parallel universes and along with the end of our own.Hawking...

Astronomers Discover Enormous Structure Warping Around Our Galaxy

New research indicates that a highly odd structure has been discovered in the outer parts of our Milky Way galaxy.The research, which has been...

A Giant Galaxy Orbiting Our Own Just Appeared Out of Nowhere

Astronomers monitoring the sky recently received a major surprise. They discovered a massive galaxy around our own in an area previously unexplored. It popped...

Scientists Turn Nuclear Waste Into Diamond Batteries That Could Last For Thousands Of Years

We have an unquenchable energy need. When we need to run anything that cannot be plugged in, electricity will have to come from a...

DARPA Funded Scientists Accidently Discover World’s First ‘WARP BUBBLE’ And Open The Door To Travel Faster Than Light

For the first time in history, a team of scientists has identified a warping bubble - or 'warp bubble', in English - that fits...

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