
Behold! You Are Looking At The First Direct Image Of Another “Solar System”

Scientists have taken the first direct picture of a solar system that is strikingly similar to our own. The new image shows two huge...

Behold! This Award-Winning Photo Shows a Single Atom, And You Can See It With the Naked Eye

Atoms are extremely small. Even with the most powerful microscopes, it’s impossible to see one with the naked eye. At least, such was the...

Teenager Captures Incredibly Clear Picture Of Saturn And Its Iconic Rings From His Backyard

 A 15-year-old youngster used a telescope in his backyard to snap an image of Saturn that many experienced astronomers would be proud of.  Marcus...

Jupiter Is Only Planet in our Solar System That Doesn’t Orbit the Sun

Jupiter, the huge gas giant that protects Earth and the inner planets from potentially catastrophic comet and asteroid collisions and is our solar system’s...

Scientists Mapped 8000 Galaxies (Out Of Billions) & Made An Amazing Discovery

We are beginning to realize how little we know about the universe as we continue to explore it. For example, the number of galaxies...

NASA Mystery: Brilliant Flash From Deep Space Baffles Astronomers –“Unlike Any Ever Seen Before”

NASA has reported a catastrophic event is taking place in space, but scientists are still investigating what exactly has happened or happening. Mysterious flashes...

Alien life to be discovered In 2021? James Webb Telescope ‘will change world forever’

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is planned to be launched in  2021 and astronomers consider that this telescope is their best hope of finding life...

NASA Just Found 20 New Earth Like Planets ‘Hiding In Plain Sight’

The existential notion of Earth-sized inhabitable exoplanets seems to be confronting our conventional understanding of the vast cosmos. However, the observations made by the...

NASA Wants To Probe Uranus In Search Of Gas

We hear a lot about Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and that’s because we have extremely fancy hardware floating around and, in some cases, cruising...

“Attempt No Voyage Here!” Milky Way Harbors 100 Million Black Holes –‘There are Tens of Millions of these Dark Enigmatic Objects Each the Size...

The LIGO discovery, the finding of a merger of 30-solar-mass black holes made astronomers question just how common black holes of such enormous sizes...

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