
These Closest Images Ever Taken Of The Sun Reveal Something Strange That Even Scientists Can’t Explain

It's difficult to look at the Sun. You will incur eye injury if you do it yourself. If you perform it on Earth with...

Uh-Oh! Astronomers Discover Unknown ‘Force’ Coming From The Star Antares

A recent observation of the red giant—the largest in the constellation Scorpio—shows that from its cosmic depths, the star is expelling unknown matter as it approaches the...

Uh-Oh! Astronomers Discover Unknown ‘Force’ Coming From The Star Antares

A recent observation of the red giant—the largest in the constellation Scorpio—shows that from its cosmic depths, the star is expelling unknown matter as...

This Fascinating NEW ‘Periodic Table’ Explains The Cosmic Origin Of EVERYTHING

A US Astronomer has created a sensational new periodic table that explains the origin of nearly everything. The periodic table illustrates how elements were...

This Fascinating NEW ‘Periodic Table’ Explains The Cosmic Origin Of EVERYTHING

A US Astronomer has created a sensational new periodic table that explains the origin of nearly everything. The periodic table illustrates how elements were created from different...

Hubble Telescope Captures Image of the Farthest Star Ever Seen

Gravitational lensing has become a remarkably handy tool, as astronomers are refining and enhancing the ways they can use what has been called “nature’s...

Hubble Telescope Captures Image of the Farthest Star Ever Seen

Gravitational lensing has become a remarkably handy tool, as astronomers are refining and enhancing the ways they can use what has been called “nature’s telescope” to find...

Sunrise in 7 billion years: Red Giant Sun

In approximately 5 billion years, the sun will begin the helium-burning process, turning into a red giant star. When it expands, its outer layers...

Sunrise in 7 billion years: Red Giant Sun

In approximately 5 billion years, the sun will begin the helium-burning process, turning into a red giant star. When it expands, its outer layers will consume Mercury...

The Biggest Diamond Ever Found In Space!

Deep down in the Pattern of Centarus lies a star about 50 light years far from the Earth. This star is so distinctive that...

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