Jennifer A Johnson has taken the periodic table to a whole other level by implementing a creative twist to the periodic table: The astronomer highlighted the origin of each element, completely changing the perspective of everything that is around us.
As it is explained, an average human is made up of around seven OCTILLION—Yup that’s a number and it’s this: 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000— atoms, most of which are HYDROGEN.
This revolutionary yet fascinating project was born from frustration says, Dr. Johnson.
Dr. Johnson says that: “Tc, Pm, and the elements beyond U do not have long-lived or stable isotopes. I have ignored the elements beyond U in this plot, but not including Tc and Pm looked weird, so I have included them in gray.”
“High-mass stars end their lives (at least some of the time) as core-collapse supernovae. Low-mass stars usually end their lives as white dwarfs. But sometimes, white dwarfs that are in binary systems with another star get enough mass from the companion to become unstable and explode as so-called Type-Ia supernovae,” wrote Dr. Johnson.
“Which ‘supernova’ is being referred to in the Wikipedia graphic is not clear. The information for Li is incorrect. [The isotope] Li is indeed made by cosmic rays hitting other nuclei and breaking them apart.”
“But most of the far more common Li isotope is without question made in low-mass stars and spewed out into the Universe as the star dies. Some Li is also made in the Big Bang, and a small fraction by cosmic ray fission,” added Dr. Johnson.