Search for Life

Alien-hunting telescope just picked up a mysterious radio signal that defies explanation

In a remarkable observation, astronomers have detected a unique pattern in a repeating "fast radio burst" (FRB) that defies current understanding.

A Star Named ‘Gliese 710’ Is Heading Straight For Our Solar System At 51,499 Kilometres per hour

Gliese 710, also known as HIP 89825, is a 0.6 M☉ orange star in the constellation Serpens Cauda. It is expected to pass close to the Sun in approximately 1.29 million years, at a minimum distance of 0.1663 light-years (10,520 astronomical units) (about 160 billion km) – roughly 1/25th of the present distance to Proxima Centauri.

China Grew A Plant On The Moon And It Sprouted Two Leaves

China made history by landing its Change-4 spacecraft on the moon's far side. The mission was also the first to experiment with growing plants on the moon, and it transported a mini-biosphere dubbed the Lunar Micro Ecosystem to the lunar surface (LME). 

Astronomers discover a highly habitable alien planet with a probability of 84% – Highest EVER

The Kepler mission discovered a planet orbiting the star KOI-3010 using the transit method.

Scientist Finds “Evidence” of Another Universe Before This One

Studies suggest that before our universe, another, previous cosmos existed. They refer to this process as a kind of perpetual cosmic cycle.

NASA announces discovery of 17 worlds outside our solar system with possible oceans of liquid water

In a groundbreaking study, NASA has expanded the search for extraterrestrial life by identifying 17 exoplanets that may harbor oceans of liquid water beneath their icy surfaces.

NASA finds life-sparking energy source and molecule at Saturn’s Icy Moon ‘Enceladus’

In a groundbreaking study utilizing data from NASA's Cassini mission, scientists have made a significant discovery at Saturn's icy moon Enceladus, finding evidence of a key ingredient for life and a potent source of energy to fuel it.

NASA’s Voyager 1 is in serious trouble and sending data in 1s and 0s that are indecipherable

Voyager 1, which has been a cornerstone in our understanding of the outer reaches of the Solar System, is now experiencing communication issues that have left NASA engineers grappling with a complex problem billions of miles away.

The Solar System Could Collapse Because Of A Passing Star, Scientists Warn

Scientists have warned that the planets in our solar system might crash if Neptune's orbit is altered by only 0.1 percent by a passing star.

A Giant Galaxy Orbiting Our Own Just Appeared Out of Nowhere

A Giant Galaxy Orbiting Our Own Just Appeared Out of Nowhere

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