
An Object That’s ‘Unlike Anything Astronomers Have Ever Seen’ Is Sending Radio Signals To Earth, Repeating ‘Every 18.18 Minutes, Like Clockwork’

According to Australian astronomers, a weird spinning object in the Milky Way has been identified that is unlike anything astronomers have ever seen. The object, which was first discovered by a university student working on his undergraduate thesis, emits a massive burst of radio waves three times each hour.

Chinese Researchers Have Achieved The Impossible: They Have Actually Created An EM Drive

Researchers from China’s space agency have released a video through state media in which they show what appears to be a fully functioning EM drive.

BREAKING: Earth just received a radio signal sent from a galaxy that is 9 billion light years away

It is the first time that scientists have detected a signal that originates from another galaxy located 9 billion light years away from Earth.

BREAKING: Cambridge Physicists Find Wormhole Proof

BREAKING: Cambridge Physicists Find Wormhole Proof

Astronomers Accidentally Discover Black Hole So Big You Can Spot It With A Backyard Telescope

Now, a team of worldwide researchers has identified a supermassive black hole that devours the mass of one Earth every second.

A Repeating Radio Signal Is Coming From Another Earth-Like Planet, Scientists Say

Scientists have spotted a repeating radio signal from a nearby star system that hints at the presence of a magnetic field around one of its Earth-sized planets, reports a new study. 

NASA’s $10 billion Telescope has just captured its first direct unbelievable image of a Planet outside our Solar system

The James Webb Space Telescope has captured the first direct image of a distant exoplanet, a world beyond our Solar System.

Earth Is Being Approached By A Supermassive Black Hole At A Speed Of 110 KM Per Second

There is a massive black hole with millions of times more mass than our sun is plunging towards Earth and will one day annihilate life as we know it. 

Scientists just Found 300 billion tons of Water on The Moon

We know there's water on the Moon, but questions remain about how it got there, where it's stored, and how it moves around. In a new study, scientists from China have identified tiny glass beads in the lunar soil as potential places where water could hide.

Possible connection between human brain and cosmos discovered: New Research Reveals

A new research has revealed a possible connection between human brain and cosmos on a quantum scale.

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