
NASA Has Just Announced That Jupiter’s Moon IO Has Started To Send The Juno Probe Messages

NASA have just announced that Jupiter’s Moon IO has started to send the Juno probe messages. Today, we take a look at Jupiter’s Moon IO...

Ground-Breaking Research Finds 11 Multidimensional Universe Inside the Human Brain

The human brain is capable of creating structures in up to 11 dimensions, according to scientists. According to a study published in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience,...

Scientists Turn Nuclear Waste Into Self-Powered Diamond Batteries That Could Last For Thousands Of Years

We have an unquenchable energy need. When we need to run anything that cannot be plugged in, electricity will have to come from a...

Scientists Find One of the Most Massive Black Holes With 34 Billion Times The Mass of Our Sun

Scientists just revealed the finding of the most massive black hole ever detected in the early Universe. It weighs 34 billion times as much as...

Scientists Mapped 8000 Galaxies (Out Of Billions) AND Made An Amazing Discovery

We are beginning to realize how little we know about the universe as we continue to explore it. For example, the number of galaxies...

NASA’s New ‘Helical Engine’ Could Reach 99% The Speed Of Light

When it comes to space, there is an issue with our human desire to see and experience everything. A significant issue. The issue, after...

Teenager Wins $400,000 For His Brilliant Video Explaining Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity

Ryan Chester from North Royalton in Ohio submitted his video for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge (BTJC), which offers students aged thirteen to eighteen (13-18)...

Two Supermassive Black Holes Are Expected To Collide Within Next 3 Years And We Will Watch It In Real-Time

One of the most awaited events in modern astronomy, according to astronomers, may soon be upon us. According to research, fluctuations in light measurements from...

Jupiter Is Only Planet in our Solar System That Doesn’t Orbit the Sun

Jupiter, the huge gas giant that protects Earth and the inner planets from potentially catastrophic comet and asteroid collisions and is our solar system’s fifth planet...

China Becomes The First To Land on the Far Side of the Moon and Releases Never-Before-Seen Videos

When it comes to space exploration, the Chinese space agency has made history and continues to innovate.  They have not only become the first country in human...

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