Spiral Galaxies

Andromeda, The Galaxy That Will Collide With The Milky Way, Is Already Visible To The Naked Eye In The Sky

Andromeda is on a collision course with our galaxy. Now begins the best time of year to capture it with the naked eye.This is...

Webb Space Telescope Discovers 1000 Times More Bright Galaxies At The Edge Of Space-time

There are tens, hundreds, or even 1000 times more bright galaxies at the edge of space-time (soon after the big bang) than astronomers had...

Astronomers Discover Enormous Structure Warping Around Our Galaxy

New research indicates that a highly odd structure has been discovered in the outer parts of our Milky Way galaxy.The research, which has been...

The Oldest Star In Universe Is Older Than The Universe Itself

HD 140283 is a subgiant star estimated to be 14.46 billion years old. That may raise an eyebrow or two among those who recall...

European Space Agency Releases Stunning Picture Taken Really Close to the Sun

The European Space Agency has revealed an astounding photograph captured by its Solar Orbiter, a sophisticated spacecraft built to examine the Sun from a...

A Giant Galaxy Orbiting Our Own Just Appeared Out of Nowhere

Astronomers monitoring the sky recently received a major surprise. They discovered a massive galaxy around our own in an area previously unexplored. It popped...

Astronomers Reveal The Biggest 3D Map of the Milky Way and it’s Ridiculously Stunning

The greatest three-dimensional map of the Milky Way has been developed by an international team of scientists, and the results have been published in...

This Amazing Video Shows How Big Space Really Is, Warning: It Will Make You Feel Extremely Small

This amazing video illustrates how incomprehensibly vast the universe is. As the videos plays, it takes you on a journey from the size of...

Behold! Hubble Space Telescope Captures A Galaxy Ripping Solar Systems From Another Galaxy

NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) used the iconic Hubble Space Telescope to take a stunning image of a massive galaxy (NGC 169)...

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