Search for Life

Scientists discover an ‘ocean planet’ where a year lasts 11 days

Scientists have uncovered a 'aqua planet' that resembles Kevin Costner's post-apocalyptic action thriller Waterworld from 1995.

Our galaxy is warped, and scientists have no idea why

There’s trouble brewing at the Milky Way’s edge: new measurements show that a peculiar distortion of the galactic disk is moving slowly, contradicting previous reports.

The Big Bang May Have Created A ‘Mirror Universe’, Where Time Runs Backwards

In November 2018, three physicists from the prestigious Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, in Waterloo, Canada, proposed an extraordinary idea: from the Big Bang not only the Universe we know but also another one that is 'its image in the mirror' arose. 

Behold! You Are Looking At The First Direct Image Of Another “Solar System”

Scientists have taken the first direct picture of a solar system that is strikingly similar to our own. The new image shows two huge exoplanets orbiting a young, sun-like star about 300 light-years away. It looks more like a family portrait.

Two ‘super-Earth’ planets in Goldilocks zone have been discovered, one of which could potentially support life

TWO Earth-like planets have been discovered in outer space, one of which may have the required circumstances for life to evolve.

‘Groundbreaking’ Sharp Images of Distant Planetary System Show 3 Planets Are Missing

Using the combined might of two of Hawaii's powerful telescopes, astronomers have captured what they are describing as "groundbreaking" sharp new images of a planetary system still in the process of being born.

A Second Interstellar Visitor Has Arrived in Our Solar System. This Time, Astronomers Think They Know Where It Came From

When ‘Oumuamua passed through our solar system in 2017, no one knew where it came from. Astronomers, on the other hand, think they know how Comet 2I/Borisov got here.

Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe – Equations Predict

Like part of a cosmic Russian doll, our universe may be perfectly nested inside a black hole that is itself part of a larger universe. 

Astronomers Find A Potential ‘Major Planet’ Orbiting A Dead Star That Can Support Life For At Least 1 Billion Years Into The Future

It turns out that stars like our sun do not have to be alive and strong in order to support life on planets orbiting them. Scientists discovered a possible "major planet" circling a fading sun that might host life for future generations.

Astronomers just discovered a planet-forming disk beyond our Milky Way for the 1st time — An Astronomical Milestone

Astronomers have achieved a significant milestone in space exploration by identifying, for the first time, a planet-forming disk around a young star in a galaxy outside our Milky Way.

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