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A Mission To Alpha Centauri Within A Human Lifetime Has Just Become More Realistic

It will take thousands of years for humanity's fastest spacecraft to reach even the nearest stars.The Breakthrough Initiatives have been exploring the possibility of reducing this...

Stephen Hawking’s Final Research Predicts The End Of The Universe And Existence Parallel Universes

Two weeks before his death, famed scientist Stephen Hawking published a research article predicting parallel universes and along with the end of our own.Hawking...

Astronomers Discover Enormous Structure Warping Around Our Galaxy

New research indicates that a highly odd structure has been discovered in the outer parts of our Milky Way galaxy.The research, which has been...

For The First Time, NASA Witnesses Black Hole Giving Birth To Stars

Black holes are often considered to be enormous, aggressive, and very destructive entities. However, according to recent research, they are just as capable of producing...

The Oldest Star In Universe Is Older Than The Universe Itself

HD 140283 is a subgiant star estimated to be 14.46 billion years old. That may raise an eyebrow or two among those who recall...

Scientists: There May Already Be “Humans” All Over the Universe

Just imagine that future humans may be able to travel to distant planets and discover... more humans.According to one astrobiologist at the University of...

All 5 Key Ingredients of OUR DNA Have Been Found In Meteorites That Came From Outer Space

According to scientists, all of the key elements of our DNA have now been discovered on meteorites. What exactly does this mean? Simply put,...

If NASA Catch This Asteroid Everyone On Earth Would Get $93 Billion

There is an asteroid drifting about in space named 16 Psyche that is believed to be worth $700 quintillion; if NASA were to capture...

A Star Just Turned Into A Black Hole Before Hubble’s Very Eyes

When a massive star runs out of fuel, its core collapses into a dense object, ejecting the remaining gas in a process known as...

NASA’s New ‘Helical Engine’ Could Reach 99% The Speed Of Light

When it comes to space, there is an issue with our human desire to see and experience everything. A significant issue. The issue, after...

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