
An Astonishing New Theory Claims Past, Present And Future Exist Simultaneously

Here's an intriguing idea. What if you were informed that everything in your life was pre-planned? Even crazier, what if your history, present, and future...

Australian Physicists Have Proved That Time Travel is Possible

Scientists from the University of Queensland have used photons (single particles of light) to simulate quantum particles traveling through time. The research is cutting...

The Big Flip Is Upon Us: Earth’s Magnetic Field is Dramatically Shifting Over Africa

We are facing an anomaly over South Atlantic, researchers are calling it South Atlantic Anomaly. It is a region of the Earth’s magnetic field that has shifted so...

Ground-Breaking Research Finds 11 Multidimensional Universe Inside the Human Brain

The human brain is capable of creating structures in up to 11 dimensions, according to scientists. According to a study published in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience,...

NASA Admits Alcubierre Drive Initiative: Faster Than The Speed Of Light

NASA is currently working on the first practical field test toward the possibility of faster-than-light travel.

The Real Matrix: Physicist Says Our Universe Is Likely a Neural Network

The concept of our universe being a complex neural network might seem like a plot straight out of a science fiction movie, but recent...

Scientists Have Captured The First-Ever “Image” Of Dark Matter

The theory that gave rise to the concept of dark matter arose out of necessity. Our cosmos shouldn't be able to exist and function as it...

It’s Reality! First Ever Black Hole Created in Lab

Black holes are terrifying objects that never let anything escape them! Scientists just brought black holes to the human planet.

Physicists Take The Most Detailed Image Of Atoms To Date

According to Scientific American, physicists have outdone Apple's newest iPhone by taking the most detailed image of atoms to date using a gadget that magnifies images 100 million times. In a study released last month, the researchers that broke the record for the highest resolution microscope in 2018 outdid themselves.

Astronomers Discover The Largest Natural Diamond In The Universe And Weighs 10 Billion Trillion Trillion Carats

The largest diamond in the cosmos is not found on Earth. In reality, it is a white dwarf star called BPM 37093 or V886...

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