
What Stephen Hawking Thought About The Multiverse Will Set Your Head Spinning!

The concept or idea of a multiverse fascinates physicists’ as much as sci-fi fans, but if science was able to prove it exists, could every type...

The Strong Force Is What’s Holding the Entire Universe Together

Particle physicists might seem like a dry bunch, but they have their fun. Why else would there be such a thing as a "strange quark"? When...

The Strong Force Is What’s Holding the Entire Universe Together

Particle physicists might seem like a dry bunch, but they have their fun. Why else would there be such a thing as a "strange...

New NASA Telescope, 100 Times Bigger Than Hubble To Search For Alien Life

In a new attempt to find Alien life and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos along the way, the space agency, NASA has announced the construction...

New NASA Telescope, 100 Times Bigger Than Hubble To Search For Alien Life

In a new attempt to find Alien life and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos along the way, the space agency, NASA has announced...

NASA’s Recent Pictures of Objects in the Kuiper Belt Just Broke Records

3.79 billion miles away in the inky blackness of space, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft snapped two pictures and transmitted those images back to Earth. New Horizons’s December 2017 photoshoot now...

NASA’s Recent Pictures of Objects in the Kuiper Belt Just Broke Records

3.79 billion miles away in the inky blackness of space, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft snapped two pictures and transmitted those images back to Earth. New Horizons’s...

What Lies Beyond The Edge Of The Observable Universe?

You've probably read about how the Universe is expanding, and has been expanding since the beginning of time. Over the course of 13.8 billion years or...

What Lies Beyond The Edge Of The Observable Universe?

You've probably read about how the Universe is expanding, and has been expanding since the beginning of time. Over the course of 13.8 billion...

Hubble Telescope Captures Image of the Farthest Star Ever Seen

Gravitational lensing has become a remarkably handy tool, as astronomers are refining and enhancing the ways they can use what has been called “nature’s...

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