
Mars Declared Unsafe For Humans: No one can survive for longer than four years

A recent research paper by top level researchers from all over the world has been released stating: Mars declared unsafe for humans. Unveiling the Safety...

NASA Admits To Discovering ‘Something Weird’ Happening To Our Universe

According to NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope has hit a new milestone in its efforts to determine how rapidly the universe is expanding, and it strongly suggests that something weird is occurring in our universe.

Stephen Hawking’s Final Research Predicts The End Of The Universe And Existence Parallel Universes

Two weeks before his death, famed scientist Stephen Hawking published a research article predicting parallel universes and along with the end of our own.

Astronomers FINALLY Captured First Ever White Hole!

Many people know about black holes and how terrifying they can be with their unending appetite for swallowing anything that is unfortunate enough to come close! 

Alien-hunting telescope just picked up a mysterious radio signal that defies explanation

In a remarkable observation, astronomers have detected a unique pattern in a repeating "fast radio burst" (FRB) that defies current understanding.

A Star Named ‘Gliese 710’ Is Heading Straight For Our Solar System At 51,499 Kilometres per hour

Gliese 710, also known as HIP 89825, is a 0.6 M☉ orange star in the constellation Serpens Cauda. It is expected to pass close to the Sun in approximately 1.29 million years, at a minimum distance of 0.1663 light-years (10,520 astronomical units) (about 160 billion km) – roughly 1/25th of the present distance to Proxima Centauri.

Flat Earther Spends $20,000 Trying To Prove Earth Is Flat And Accidently Proves It’s Round

In what may be one of the most enjoyable TV moments we can recall, a bunch of conspiracy theorists unintentionally spent thousands of dollars to show that, yes, the Earth is round.

China Grew A Plant On The Moon And It Sprouted Two Leaves

China made history by landing its Change-4 spacecraft on the moon's far side. The mission was also the first to experiment with growing plants on the moon, and it transported a mini-biosphere dubbed the Lunar Micro Ecosystem to the lunar surface (LME). 

Astronomers discover a highly habitable alien planet with a probability of 84% – Highest EVER

The Kepler mission discovered a planet orbiting the star KOI-3010 using the transit method.

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Discover Record-Breaking Black Hole

Astronomers have witnessed a record-breaking black hole in the early universe, providing vital clues about the formation of these enigmatic cosmic objects. This discovery,...

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