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NASA spacecraft will Touch The Sun at the speed of 435,000 mph this Year


In a mission that pushes the boundaries of human ingenuity and space exploration, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is gearing up for an unprecedented close encounter that’s being titled as ‘Touch The Sun’ with the Sun this year.

This daring mission will see the probe rapidly soar through the Sun’s upper atmosphere, known as the corona, marking a significant milestone in our understanding of our host star.

The Parker Solar Probe’s journey to the Sun is not just a feat of engineering; it represents a crucial step in unraveling the mysteries of the Sun and its influence on the entire solar system. Much like the moon landings provided insights into the moon’s origin and geological history, analyzing the components that make up the Sun is vital for understanding its behavior and impact on the solar system.

In December 2021, NASA announced a historic achievement: for the first time, a spacecraft had made contact with the Sun by flying through its corona. This momentous event marked a significant advancement in solar science, as the probe collected essential data on charged particles and magnetic fields. These findings are crucial for understanding solar phenomena like solar flares and coronal mass ejections, which can have profound effects on Earth and other planets in the solar system.

The Parker Solar Probe’s mission is not only about gathering data but also about testing the limits of space technology. The probe is equipped with cutting-edge instruments and a heat shield designed to withstand the extreme temperatures and radiation near the Sun. As it zips past the Sun at a staggering speed of 435,000 mph, the probe will provide unprecedented close-up observations of the solar atmosphere.

The significance of this mission extends beyond the realm of solar physics. By studying the Sun’s corona, scientists hope to gain insights into fundamental processes that occur in stars throughout the universe. The data collected by the Parker Solar Probe will also help improve our ability to forecast space weather events, which can disrupt satellite communications, navigation systems, and power grids on Earth.

As the Parker Solar Probe prepares for its close encounter with the Sun, it stands as a testament to human curiosity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. This mission not only deepens our understanding of the Sun but also inspires future generations of scientists and explorers to continue exploring the vast and mysterious cosmos.

The Parker Solar Probe’s journey to ‘touch’ the Sun is a reminder of the incredible achievements possible when we dare to explore the unknown. As we await the probe’s historic rendezvous with the Sun, we stand on the brink of a new era in solar science, one that promises to shed light on some of the most enduring mysteries of our star and the universe at large.

NASA Woke Up Voyager 1 From 13 Billion Miles Away, And The Spacecraft Actually Signalled Back

Have you ever tried starting a car that’s been sitting unused for a couple of decades? There’s no guarantee that will even respond, let alone actually start up. That makes the feat NASA achieved just a few days ago even more impressive.

The space agency contacted the Voyager 1 spacecraft in interstellar space after an amazing 37 years of inactivity to briefly activate its thrusters.

The Voyager 1 was launched way back in 1977 to observe the outer edges of our solar system. It occasionally communicates with NASA’s Deep Space Network to receive routine commands and beams back data. But on November 28, NASA had to interact with the spacecraft and perform a minor course correction, firing up micro thrusters that hadn’t been activated since 1980.

With these thrusters that are still functional after 37 years without use, we will be able to extend the life of the Voyager 1 spacecraft by two to three years,” project manager Suzanne Dodd, said in a statement.
Since 2014, scientists have been noticing that the spacecraft’s main propulsion systems are degrading over time. Instead, they decided to use the backup trajectory correction thrusters to shift the probe, which have been lying unused for decades. The tests were successful but, thanks to how far the spacecraft is from Earth, the team didn’t even know it had worked until 19 hours later.
However, even just a couple more years of activity thanks to Plan B means Voyager can send back crucial data we’ve never seen before, from deep space between our star and the nearest neighbor light years away. It’s the farthest probe humanity has, so scientists are frothing at the mouth for its discoveries.
Now, NASA is planning to carry out the same tests with another spacecraft, the Voyager 2, another spacecraft moving between stars. If it works, who knows what else we may uncover in the years to come? 
Updated version of the previous article.
Reference(s): NASA

Scientists Discover A Chunk Of An Ancient Protoplanet In Africa And It Is Older Than The Earth Itself

An older meteorite was discovered in Algeria last year, according to a recent investigation, ScienceAlert says.

The space rock is a remarkable wonder that might provide never-before-seen insights about the early years of our solar system, according to an international team of scientists who conducted the investigation.

The rock asteroid was discovered in the Erg Check sand sea in May and was immediately recognized as remarkable because, unlike other meteorites, it had obviously been created by a volcano, suggesting that it may have been part of a planet’s crust.

However, an examination of the radioactive decay of the sample’s isotopes revealed, as detailed in a recent report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, that it originated roughly 4.566 billion years ago. Since it is a little longer than the Earth’s age, it was presumably formerly a part of an other, possibly extinct globe.

What protoplanet the asteroid may have come from is not immediately apparent.

However, the researchers noted in their report that as it is now the oldest magmatic rock yet found, it will almost certainly be the subject of much future examination. And what researchers discover by examining the old fragment could provide fresh information about the past of our solar system.

BREAKING: Astronomers Have Spotted “Worm-Holes” Created by Something Unknown

It’s possible that an extremely advanced alien civilization has created a transportation network of wormholes around the universe — and we might even be able to spot them.

While it’s certainly a far fetched theory, according to a new piece by BBC Science Focus, it has some scientists intrigued. Take Nagoya University astrophysicist Fumio Abe, who told the publication that we may have even already captured evidence of such a network in existing observations — but lost them in the sea of data, leading to the intriguing prospect that reanalyzing old observations could lead to a breakthrough in SETI.

“If the wormholes have throat radii between 100 and ten million kilometers, are bound to our Galaxy, and are as common as ordinary stars, detection might be achieved by reanalyzing past data,” Abe told Science Focus.

It’s an alluring theory, in other words, that suggests one more pathway to figure out once and for all whether humans are alone in the universe.

In simple terms, wormholes are theoretical tunnels with two ends at separate points in time and space. While they don’t violate Einstein’s general theory of relativity, we still have no idea if they could actually exist, let alone if a sufficiently advanced civilization would be capable of producing them

For a wormhole to exist, though, it would take astronomical amounts of energy.

“Intrinsically unstable, a wormhole would need ‘stuff’ with repulsive gravity to hold open each mouth, and the energy equivalent to that emitted by an appreciable fraction of the stars in a galaxy,” reads Science Focus‘ story. The idea would be that “if ETs have created a network of wormholes, it might be detectable by gravitational microlensing.”

That technique has been used in the past to detect thousands of distant exoplanets and stars by detecting how they bend light. Whether it could be used to detect wormholes, to be clear, is an open question.

Fortunately, spotting wormholes isn’t our only shot at detecting life elsewhere in the universe. Science Focus also pointed to the search for theoretical megastructures that harness the energy of a star by fully enclosing it, or atmospheric chemicals linked to human pollution, or extremely thin reflective spacecraft called light sails, any of which could theoretically lead us to discover an extraterrestrial civilization.

The concept of wormholes is a tantalizing prospect, especially considering the fact that they could give an alien civilization — or even us — the ability to travel over vast stretches of space and time.

But for now, unfortunately, they’re not much more than a fun thought experiment.

Scientists Claim To Have Discover What Existed BEFORE The Beginning Of The Universe!

Non-scientific versions of the answer have invoked many gods and have been the basis of all religions and most philosophy since the beginning of recorded time.

Now a team of mathematicians from Canada and Egypt have used cutting edge scientific theory and a mind-boggling set of equations to work out what preceded the universe in which we live.

In (very) simple terms they applied the theories of the very small – the world of quantum mechanics – to the whole universe – explained  by general theory of relativity, and discovered the universe basically goes though four different phases.

More importantly they discovered what came before this universe was.. another universe or more accurately another ‘cosmological phase’.

Despite being infinite in size our universe is cyclical and has always existed in one of four stages.

The universe is expanding, and the expansion is speeding up, but the team believes that certain modification motivated by quantum mechanics will ultimately halt the expansion and pull the whole lot back to a near infinite point – at which stage the universe will start expanding again.

The paper, called ”Non-singular and Cyclic Universe from the Modified GUP”, written by Maha Salah, Fayçal Hammad, Mir Faizal, Ahmed Farag Ali, is super complex but Prof. Mir Faizal  outlined the main points of this paper.

According to him  they have incorporated quantum mechanical effects in cosmology using an approach called the modified GUP. 

This approach  changes  the equation for cosmology  in a very interesting way. It predicts four distinct phases for our universe – the present phase of the universe being just one of those phases.

There is a phase before the big bang in this cosmological model, and it is possible to know about that phase of the universe by studying the physics of present phase of our universe.

Professor Mir Faizal said: “In our cosmological model the universe did not start with the big bang, but there was a phase transition from one phase of the universe to another. 

“This is possible because  the universe can  exist in four different phases,  like ordinary water can exist in three different phases. Just as we can know about the properties of ice, by studying water which has formed from it, we can know about pre big bang cosmology by studying the physics of this universe.

“Using our cosmological model we can study the physics of the cosmological phase before the beginning of our universe.”

In their model they have been able to  study the pre Big Bang state of the universe. The equations in their model predict  that the expansion of the universe will come to a halt and then will immediately be followed by a contracting phase.

Prof Mir added: “When the equations are extrapolated beyond the maximum rate of contraction, a cyclic universe scenario emerges. “Other cosmologists have suggested a big bang and big crunch scenario – but those model have singularities.

“Singularities are bad in physics as they indicate a place where the laws of physics breakdown, and at such places one cannot use physics to get meaningful results.

“This new cosmological  model  does away with such  singularity. The big bang singularity can therefore also be avoided by using the modified GUP-corrections to the cosmology.”

In their cosmology model, the cyclic nature of the universe occurs as a result of incorporating quantum effects into a cosmological model of the universe. 

Prof Faizal explained that even though there are many different mind-bending approaches to quantum gravity, like string theory and loop quantum gravity, what most of these different approaches have in common is that there is a minimum length below which space does not exist.

Many of these approaches also predict that there is  also  a maximum energy and no object in the universe can have an energy beyond that maximum energy.

They research team incorporated the effect of having a minimum length and an maximum energy  into a cosmological model, and then they  ended up with a cyclic universe.

Asked about the philosophical and even possible theological implications of his work Prof. Mir said: ”No one draws any philosophical or  theological implications of a finite or an  infinite spatial dimension, and time is just another dimension, so why should it be treated any differently.

“In any case, I do not believe in a God of gaps, with big bang being a big gap, but in a God who made the mathematics describing reality so perfect that there are no gaps, not now and not at big bang.” 

Prof Faizal has also worked on the Large Hadron Collider investigating doors to other universes.

Scientists think they have worked out when the Sun will die and kill us all

The future of our Sun is a topic that captivates so many people. The age and life cycle, as well as its potential death date have been studied by scientists for years now but there’s still so much more to learn.

Scientists think they have worked out when the Sun will die and kill us all

However, scientists have managed to figure out a few key points about the Sun’s future, including the end of its current life phase.

While the Sun’s final death is still trillions of years away, some scientists estimate the current phase of the Sun’s life cycle will finish in as little as 5 billion years. The huge star at the centre of our Solar System will have consumed most of its hydrogen core by that time. The Sun as we know it will have basically died.


The Sun will become a red giant as a result of this. Nuclear fusion will cease to be a source of heat. Around this time, NASA predicts that the core will become unstable and contract.


The outer layers of the Sun will expand as the core becomes unstable. Mercury and Venus will eventually be swallowed up by this expansion. Furthermore, the Sun’s harsh solar winds will slam into the Earth, robbing it of the magnetic field that creates its atmosphere.


It’s a terrifying thought to consider, especially for any life—human or nonhuman—that might survive all those years. Of course, there are a plethora of other threats from the Sun that must be dealt with first.


While the thought of the Sun dying is terrifying, there’s a chance humanity will not be here to witness it.


The Earth’s seas will be destroyed by the Sun’s energy in a billion years, according to scientists. The brightness of the Sun will have increased by about 10% at that time. There are also other dangers associated with climate change to consider.


In the end, scientists predict that the Earth’s future is bleak. That may explain why so many people are interested in space exploration and getting us to other planets. It would not only allow humanity to continue to exist, but it would also provide us with a new home to retire to when the Sun dies.

NASA Has Just Announced That Jupiter’s Moon IO Has Started To Send The Juno Probe Messages

NASA have just announced that Jupiter’s Moon IO has started to send the Juno probe messages. 

Today, we take a look at Jupiter’s Moon IO and how it’s suddenly started sending messages to the Juno probe.

Scientists are making exciting discoveries at an astonishing rate, and it can be nearly impossible to keep up with all the news.

Jupiter holds the largest and most powerful magnetic field out of all the planets in our solar system. The field is about 20,000 times stronger than Earth’s, partially due to the solar wind that batters Jupiter with electrically charged particles that blow from the sun. Jupiter’s magnetic field extends so far that several of its moon’s orbit within it. Learn more about this in the video below:

Reference(s): Space.com

Scientists believe they have discovered a portal to the Fifth Dimension


In a new study, scientists say that a particle that links to a fifth dimension can explain dark matter. (The previous article has been updated.) 

The “warped extra dimension” (WED) is a trademark of a popular physics model that was first introduced in 1999. This research, which was published in The European Physical Journal C, is the first to use the theory to explain the long-standing dark matter problem in particle physics. 

The idea of dark matter, which makes up most of the matter in the universe, is the basis for what we know about how the universe works. Dark matter is like a pinch-hitter that helps scientists figure out how gravity works. Without a “x factor” of dark matter, many things would dissolve or fall apart. Even so, dark matter doesn’t change the particles we can see and “feel,” so it must have other special qualities as well.

“[T]here are still some questions which do not have an answer within the [standard model of physics],” the scientists, from Spain and Germany, explain in their study. “One of the most significant examples is the so-called hierarchy problem, the question why the Higgs boson is much lighter than the characteristic scale of gravity. [The standard model of physics] cannot accommodate some other observed phenomena. One of the most striking examples is the existence of dark matter.” A WED model is being used in the new study to try to figure out why there is dark matter. Scientists looked at fermion masses, which they think could be sent through portals into the fifth dimension to make dark matter relics and “fermionic dark matter.” Could dimension-traveling fermions explain at least some of the dark matter scientists have so far not been able to observe? “We know that there is no viable [dark matter] candidate in the [standard model of physics],” the scientists say, “so already this fact asks for the presence of new physics.”

Basically, a key piece of math makes bulk masses of fermions, which show up in the so-called “warped space” of the fifth dimension. This pocket “dark sector” is one possible explanation for the huge amount of dark matter that hasn’t been found yet with any of the standard model of physics measurements. Fermions that get stuck in a portal to a twisted fifth dimension could be “acting as” dark matter. How would we be able to see this type of dark matter to prove it? This is the biggest problem with many theories of dark matter right now. But all that would be needed to find fermionic dark matter in a twisted fifth dimension is the right kind of gravitational wave detector, which are becoming more common all over the world. In fact, the answer to the mystery of dark matter might be right around the corner.

Venus breakthrough: NASA found evidence of ‘enough water to support abundant life’


VENUS has been chosen as the destination for two new NASA missions to investigate the planet’s atmosphere and geological features, following the discovery of “enough water to support plentiful life” by NASA.

The space agency has announced it will send two robotic missions to the planet by the end of the decade. NASA administrator Bill Nelson said the probes — named Davinci+ and Veritas — will offer the “chance to investigate a planet we haven’t been to in more than 30 years“. The missions to Earth’s closest planetary neighbour were picked following a peer-review process and will explore how the once habitable world became a “hot, hellish, unforgiving” planet.

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It comes just months after astronomers from the UK controversially detected phosphine gas 30 miles up in Venus’ clouds, leading researchers to suggest it was a sign of alien life.

Scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) also previously found that Venus may have once had a shallow liquid-water ocean and a habitable surface temperature for up to two billion years.

The findings, published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, were obtained with a model similar to the type used to predict future climate change on Earth.

Michael Way, a researcher at GISS and the paper’s lead author, said: “Many of the same tools we use to model climate change on Earth can be adapted to study climates on other planets, both past and present.

“These results show ancient Venus may have been a very different place than it is today.”

Scientists have long theorized that Venus was formed out of ingredients similar to Earth’s, but followed a different evolutionary path.

Measurements by NASA’s Pioneer mission to Venus in the Eighties first suggested Venus originally may have had an ocean, but its proximity to the Sun means it receives far more sunlight than Earth.

This led scientists to believe that the planet’s early ocean evaporated, water-vapour molecules were broken apart by ultraviolet radiation, and hydrogen escaped to space.

With no water left on the surface, carbon dioxide built up in the atmosphere, causing a runaway greenhouse effect that created present conditions.

The GIIS team also suggested the 2016 data showed ancient Venus had more dry land overall than Earth, especially in the tropics.

A NASA press release added: “This type of surface appears ideal for making a planet habitable, there seems to have been enough water to support abundant life, with sufficient land to reduce the planet’s sensitivity to changes from incoming sunlight.”

Researchers simulated conditions of a hypothetical early Venus with an atmosphere similar to Earth’s, a day as long as Venus’ current day, and a shallow ocean consistent with early data from the Pioneer spacecraft.

Co-author Anthony Del Genio said: “In the GISS model’s simulation, Venus’ slow spin exposes its dayside to the Sun for almost two months at a time.

“This warms the surface and produces rain that creates a thick layer of clouds, which acts like an umbrella to shield the surface from much of the solar heating.

“The result is mean climate temperatures that are actually a few degrees cooler than Earth’s today.”

The last US probe to visit Venus was the Magellan orbiter in 1990.

However, other spacecraft – from Europe and Japan – have orbited the planet since then.

The Davinci+ (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging) mission will measure the planet’s atmosphere to gain insight into how it formed and evolved.

It will also aim to determine whether Venus ever had an ocean.

DAVINCI+ may also shed some light on observations of phosphine gas in Venus’s atmosphere.

If the spacecraft finds compelling evidence of the chemical phosphine, it may be a sign of life in the Venusian clouds.

The other mission, Veritas (Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy), will map the planet’s surface to understand its geological history and investigate how it developed so differently than Earth.

It will use a form of radar to chart surface elevations and discover whether volcanoes and earthquakes are active.

Updated version of the previous article.

Reference(s): MIT

This is the most accurate image of an atom


A mysterious quantum phenomenon reveals an image of an atom like never before. You can even see the difference between protons and neutrons.

The Relativistic Heavy Ion Accelerator (RHIC), from the Brookhaven Laboratory in the United States, is a sophisticated device capable of accelerating gold ions to a speed of up to 99.995% that of light. Thanks to him, it has recently been possible to verify, for example, Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2.

IMAGE: BROOKHAVEN LABORATORY. Final view of a gold atom particles colliding in the STAR detector of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The beams travel in opposite directions at nearly the speed of light before colliding.

Now, researchers in this laboratory have shown how it is possible to obtain precise details about the arrangement of protons and neutrons in gold using a type of quantum interference never seen before in an experiment . The technique is reminiscent of the positron emission tomography (PET) scan that doctors use to peer into the brain and other anatomical parts.


No microscopic probe or X-ray machine is capable of peering into the innards of the atom, so physicists can only theorize what happens there based on the remains of high-speed collisions that take place in particle colliders , such as CERN ‘s LHC .

However, this new tool opens the possibility of making more precise inferences of protons and neutrons (which make up atomic nuclei) thanks to the quantum entanglement of particles produced when gold atoms rub against each other at high speed.


The researchers   have shown how it is possible to obtain precise details about the arrangement of protons and neutrons in gold using a type of quantum interference never seen before in an experiment.

At this scale, nothing can be observed directly because the very light used to carry out the observation interferes with the same observation. However, given enough energy, light waves can actually stir up pairs of particles that make up protons and neutrons, such as quarks and antiquarks .

When two nuclei intersect within a few nuclear radii, a photon from one nucleus can interact through a virtual quark-antiquark pair with gluons from the other nucleus (gluons are mediators of the strong interaction, the force that binds nuclei). quarks inside protons and neutrons).

This allows for the equivalent of the first experimental observation of entanglement involving different particles, allowing images so precise that the difference between the place of neutrons and protons within the atomic nucleus can even begin to be appreciated.