Quantum Mechanics

There is no “Fourth” dimension

Okay, here's the thing. There is no fourth dimension. Mind not blown by that? How about this - there is no third dimension either....

A Spooky Quantum Experiment Creates What May Be The Most Entangled Controllable Device Yet On The Planet

If you've read anything about quantum computers, you may have encountered the statement, "It's like computing with zero and one at the same time." That's sort of...

A Spooky Quantum Experiment Creates What May Be The Most Entangled Controllable Device Yet On The Planet

If you've read anything about quantum computers, you may have encountered the statement, "It's like computing with zero and one at the same time."...

“Attempt No Voyage Here!” Milky Way Harbors 100 Million Black Holes –‘There are Tens of Millions of these Dark Enigmatic Objects Each the Size...

The LIGO discovery, the finding of a merger of 30-solar-mass black holes made astronomers question just how common black holes of such enormous sizes...

13 Facts About Time That Will Hurt Your Brain

Passage of time is faster for your face than for your feet (supposing you’re standing up). Einstein’s theory of relativity states that the nearer...

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