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Astronomer Have Discovered A Mysterious Object, Which Is 570 Billion Times Brighter Than The Sun

It is so brilliant that it exceeds the physics' energy threshold. A huge ball of hot gas, brighter than hundreds of billions of suns,...

A New Planet Is Now Our Closest Neighbor

The order of the planets is something most of us learn in school: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and (until 2006)...

There are over 700 quintillion planets in the universe, but there’s truly no place like home

According to astrophysicist Erik Zackrisson’s computer model, there could be about 70 quintillion planets in the universe. However, most of these planets are vastly...

At 2.2 Billion Years Old, This is the Oldest Impact Crater on Earth

Around 2.2 billion years ago, a massive space rock collided against our planet, leaving a massive scar. Around 200 million years older than any other...

Forget Black Holes—White Holes Would Break Your Puny Brain

White holes, the theoretical opposites of black holes, could expel matter instead of absorbing it. Unlike black holes, whose event horizon traps everything, white...

Astronomers find the largest black hole in the Milky Way just 2,000 light-years from Earth

Gaia BH3, a dormant black hole, quietly lurks 1,926 light-years away, nearly 33 times the Sun’s mass, making it one of the Milky Way’s...

Scientists found a star that rotates 150 times a minute — and it drags spacetime with it

One of the predictions of Einstein’s general theory of relativity is that any spinning body drags the very fabric of space-time in its vicinity...

All DNA and RNA bases have now been discovered in meteorites

Meteorites hold all five DNA and RNA bases, hinting that life’s ingredients may come from space! Meteorites Contain All DNA and RNA Bases, Hinting at...

A Spacecraft just Phoned Home From 24 Billion Kilometers Away

Voyager 1 continues to amaze. After 47 years, having crossed together with its twin into interstellar space, you’d think the spacecraft would stop surprising...

James Webb Telescope Just Spotted 10 Galaxies That Might be Older than the Universe

The James Webb Space Telescope has just provided astronomers with the data that could change everything that we thought we knew about the cosmos....

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